ProSolo Enthusiasts,
What we have feared for the last couple of months, but hoped would be avoided, has come to pass; the site we use for National Solo events in Toledo will not be available for the July 29 – 31 ProSolo. Therefore, that event has been cancelled and will not be replaced on the 2018 Series calendar. Refunds will be made over the next two weeks to those entered in the event.
Section 20.10.A of the ProSolo Rules is being modified to address, to the degree we can, the resulting circumstances from this cancellation. The new rule language is below.
We hope you understand that on occasion situations arise that are beyond the control of the SCCA or its Regions and we must make the best of it. The Northwestern Ohio Region and the Toledo Express Airport are to be commended for their efforts in trying to keep this event on the 2018 schedule.
Thanks for your patience on this matter and for your support of the Tire Rack SCCA ProSolo Series.
Howard Duncan
SCCA Senior Director of Rally/Solo
20.10.A – Entry and Registration
- Event entries will be limited due to site restrictions and other factors. Entry limits will be posted on www.scca.com.
- In keeping with Section 20.3, Program Objectives and Strategies, the ProSolo® National Series Championship Finale event is primarily focused on determining Series champions and standings from those competitors who have been involved supporting the Series throughout the season by entering multiple events and/or have achieved certain levels of success. In order to accomplish this goal, the Finale will have staggered dates for the opening of Registration based on a combination of the level of Series accomplishment and participation during the season (details below).
- For a driver to enter the 2018 ProSolo® Series Championship Finale event they must have scored points in the class entered at a minimum of two (2) 2018 ProSolo® National Series events, with entry preference based on the following schedule and criteria:
- Tier 1 registration opens on Wednesday, August 8, at 3:00 PM Central for drivers with 27 or more points in the class entered for the Finale
- Tier 2 registration opens on Wednesday, August 15, at 3:00 PM Central for drivers who have 21 points in class, OR have scored points in three (3) or more events in the Finale class entered, OR purchased a ProSolo Bundle of three events, scoring points in two of those events in the Finale class entered AND the third event was the cancelled Toledo ProSolo.
- Tier 3 registration opens on Wednesday, August 22, at 3:00 PM Central for drivers that have scored points in 2 or more events in the Finale class entered.
- The Finale will have an entry cap of 300 entrants, excluding Formula Junior, and the entry deadline is Wednesday, August 29 at 3:00 PM. Any registrations that are received after the cap has been reached and before the entry deadline, will be placed on a wait list. Entrants on the wait list will be moved to the entry list as cancellations occur until the entry deadline of Wednesday, August 29 at 3:00 PM. After this deadline no more entries will be moved from the wait list or new entries accepted.
- The deadline for withdrawal from the Finale with a partial refund of entry fee is Monday, August 27, at 11:59 PM Central time..